miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

"Important Info" MAIL traducido

Mail enviado el 23 de Septiembre 2015


Nos enviaron un correo desde NKOTB con información importante, que traduciré a continuación. Pero lo más importante es que DEBES seguir el LINK para registrarte en linea.
Debes tener una cuenta en el sitio de Carnival Cruise... Si este NO es tu primer crucero con Carnival puedes accesar a tu cuenta de los cruceros anteriores. Si es tu primer crucero debes registrarte con tu correo electrónico.

Después debes accesar a tu reservación con el BOOKING NUMBER que nos fue enviado HOY (ojo es diferente al número de reservación de Rose Tours) el de Carnival es una combinación de números y letras.
Recuerda seleccionar el nombre de nuestro barco "Victory" y la fecha del crucero 8 Oct

Después busca la sección de ONLINE CHECK-IN
e ingresa tus datos
IMPORTANTE: si son 2 o más pasajeros CADA uno debe hacer este proceso. y les sugiero que impriman sus pases de abordar individualmente (Boarding Passes)  También deben de imprimir las etiquetas para su equipaje.

Al terminar tu registro en lìnea puedes reservar excursiones en Grand Turk si asì lo decides. Toma en cuenta que hay una fiesta en la alberca de Margaritaville a las 12:00
Con esas fiestas no se sabe ni que va a pasar ni cuanto durarán o si valen la pena asi que es tu decisión lo que quieras hacer.

También dentro del sitio puedes comprar algunos paquetes de bebidas no alcóholicas y botellas de agua.

Aqui la traducción de la mayor parte del mail y algunas comentarios que añadiré

Asunto: Important Info NKOTB Cruise 2015

Información Importante:

Group:  EARLY  o LATE      Es importante pues determina a que grupo perteneces y el horario de tus actividades durante el crucero como Conciertos, Eventos en el Auditorio y tu hora de cenar.
Hey Cruisers!
Están todos listos para dejar atrás el mundo "Real" e irte de crucero por 3 noches con NKOTB a bordo del Carnival Victory?!

Antes de que la diversión sin lìmites pueda iniciar necesitamos que hagas lo siguiente: Todos los pasajeros de Carnival DEBEN completar el check in en linea (on line check in)a más tardar a las 11:59 pm de Oct 7 antes de abordar el barco.
Una vez realizados los 4 sencillos pasos para el Online Check In puedes imprimir tu pase de abordar y las etiquetas de equipaje (Boarding Pass and Luggage Tags)  y reservar excursiones (shore excursions) y tratamientos en el SPA.
Para comenzar el Online Check In sigue el SIGUIENTE link- Carnival Online Check In
Selecciona Login, Register or Access Your Booking Now  
y proporciona la siguiente información:
  • Your Booking Number:   Numero de reserva
  • Guest Last Name:   Apellido del Pasajero
  • Date of Birth:   Fecha de Nacimiento
  • Ship Name: Carnival Victory
  • Sail Date: 10/08/15
Step 1 - Proporciona la información del Pasajero: dirección, contacto de emergencia, información de viaje
Step 2 - Onboard Expenses: (Gastos a bordo) podrás abrir una cuenta con una tarjeta, o seleccionar el proveer dinero en efectivo al embarcar.
Step 3 - Cruise Ticket Contract:  Debes acceptar el Contrato de Carnival Cruise Ticket (No podrás completar el online check in si no aceptas los términos y condiciones)
Step 4 - Check In Summary: Resumen del check in. Se te informará que has realizado tu registro exitosamente. AHORA puedes imprimir tu pase de abordar (boarding pass) y tus etiquetas de equipaje (luggage tags).
Si tienes problemas durante el registro en el sitio llama a Carnival 1-866-236-6670 
Si la información pre registrada presenta errores como nombre, fecha de nacimiento contacta a ROSE TOURS via correo o al 1-888-491-7673
Por favor presenta la documentación requerida para viajar (pasaporte vigente, Visa, / certificado ID, o lo que se necesite por tu país de origen JUNTO CON tu PASE DE ABORDAR en el puerto. Si necesitas medicamento colócalo en tu maleta de mano carryon asi como tus básicos ya que el equipaje documentado será entregado por la tarde.

INFORMACIÓN del CRUCERO  – Itinerario detallado (por anunciar)

AUTOGRAFOS: No hay autógrafos durante la sesión de fotos. Puedes pedirlos si los encuentras en el baro, pero debes respetar su decisión en dicho momento así como su privacidad. NO es su obligación 
SESIÓN DE FOTOS:  Se realiza en grupos de 10 pasajeros con NKOTB. Asi todos podrán verlos, y nadie se quedará sin foto. Por favor respeta las politicas para la toma de fotos. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en el Adriatic Aft. Lounge en el Deck 5 promenade. Por favor presentarse en grupos de 10 COMPLETOS- SIN CAMARAS, CELULARES, REGALOS o BOLSOS, nada de lo anterior podrá pasar a la foto.   Si tu griupo de 10 no está completo presentarse en el salón DISCO para formarlo. Una vez que esté completo podrás formarte en la fila. Si tu grupo no llegará a completarse se les dividirá y asignarà a otro grupo para completarlo sin importar junto a quién se tomará la foto. La sesión de fotos terminará cuando  la fila concluya.  Se enviará un link 2 semanas posteriores al crucero para poder descargar la fotografía grupal.
CAMERAS / VIDEO CAMERAS: Puedes utilizar camaras en los eventos excepto en la sesión de foto. Camaras de video no permitidas durante eventos oficiales. NO son permitidas cámaras PROFESIONALES (SLR, DSLR, HD VIDEO, ETC)
WRISTBANDS: (Brazaletes) Recibirás tu brazalete al hacer check-in. Hay 6 diferentes colores, que representan las zonas en el Caribbean Lounge. Tu brazalete tendrá tu asiento exacto para los eventos en el auditorio y  grupo A o B de acuerdo a tu hora de cena. El color y la zona fueron determinados por el momento realizado de la reservación y categoria. Estos brazaletes son requeridos en todos los eventos, NO REMOVER de la muñeca hasta que el crucero concluya. Este crucero está SOLD OUT por lo que no hay cambios de asiento.
REGALOS a NKOTB: No se les pueden entregar durante ningún evento.  Pueden ser llevados al escritorio de atención de Rose Tours ubicado en Midship deck 5 across cerca del Coffee Bar. Consulta el itinerario para horas de servicio y atención. Los obsequios les serán entregados a NKOTB
ASIENTOS: Todos los asientos del Caribbean Lounge están asignados y reservados. Tu brazalete determina en que zona y número al check in se entregará un mapa con la ubicación.  No cambies de lugar y entra al Caribbean Lounge con respeto.
CONCIERTO: Cada grupo (de acuerdo al horario de cena Dining reservado) tiene UN CONCIERTO, NADIE será admitido al concierto del OTRO grupo, aunque no haya asistido al que le correspondiera. Respeta a los demás durante el concierto, Video no permitido.. (siempre dicen eso jaja)
(Esto ya escribi yo un blog, no lo voy a traducir de nuevo)ress during the day is casual (shorts, shirts, 
Thursday, October 8th 80’s PROM NIGHT  // Friday, October 9th  WHITE NIGHT // Saturday, October 10th  TV CHARACTER NIGHT  // Sunday, October 11th  GPS LOVE FEST
DINING ROOMS:  RESTAURANTS  /hay 2 Dining Rooms "formales" a bordo  (leer mi blog de alimentos a bordo para saber otras opciones de comida a bordo) 
Pasajeros con Early Dining son  Grupo A ( Atlantic Dining Room or Pacific Dining Room) 
Pasajeros con Late Dining son  Grupo B ( Atlantic Dining Room or Pacific Dining Room)
  • Recibirás la asignación de TU Dining Room al check in en tu Sail and Sign Card
  • No está permitido ir con ropa de playa, traje de baño, sandalias
  • La cena es a la Carta del día Alta Cocina y està incluida en tu crucero
  • Llega con tu grupo completo a cenar y el Maitre D' te asignará tu mesa.
  • Otras opciones incluyen buffet en Lido Deck, Room Service o Pizzas 24 hrs.
Fiesta en Grand Turk
La fiesta de NKOTB en la alberca iniciará a las 12PM en Margaritaville en Grand Turk. The Margaritaville está a una corta caminata al barco (no es necesario los barcos para llevarte a la costa (Tenders) Cuando dejes el barco, sal del edificio y camina a la izquierda, personal de Rose Tours te guiarán a la fiesta. Comida y Bebida PARA COMPRAR estará disponible en Margaritaville. NO SON PARTE del CRUCERO. Lleva tarjeta de crédito o dinero en efectivo pues estos consumos no pueden ser abonados a tu cuenta final de Carnival en tu Sail and Sign Card.
Relajate en la sombra y comfort de tu cabaña junto a la alberca con aire acondicionado en el Grand Turk's Cruise Center.

  • Cabana a una corta distancia del barco en Grand Turk’s Cruise Center (junto a Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Restaurant and Bar).
  • Hermosa vista a la alberca /Piscina para relajarte en tu cabana, con una regadera exterior, terraza privada, camastros y mesero privado (la cabana es para 4, el costo es por cabana, solo una persona debe reservar. Hay 3 escalones para acceder.
La renta es de $300
Debido a que hay un numero limitado. debes registrarte y se realizará una rifa, si eres seleccionado serás contactado via mail para informacion del  pago que debe de ser en efectivo. Registra tu solicitud antes del 2 de Oct
Aqui Submit your request Here

Donnie Wahlberg - Jacquelyn Hutchinson // TORNEO ANUAL DE POKER
Si quieres saber quien era Jacquelyn, preguntame (@chelo_mx)
Donnie Wahlberg organiza su torneo anual de POKER el domingo 11en el Casino Deck 5
La mesa de los finalistas jugará con Donnie a las 8:00 pm con un premio en efectivo para el ganador
Registrate para el sorteo en el link antes del 2 de Oct. el registro es individual 
Se seleccionarán 90 pasajeros. 45 de early y 45 de late dining.  Los seleccionaros pagarán una cuato de $30 por inscripción AQUI Sign Up HERE
Los seleccionados se les informará via email. Una lista de participantes estará disponible en el escritorio de Rose Tours y en el casino

Carnival to Ban Carry-On Bottled Beverages

PERDON pero esto si no lo voy a traducir. Ya escribì el blog de politica de bebidas.
En resumen no podemos meter nada embotellado. Solo cierta cantidad de bebidas no alcoholicas en latas. Puedes pre pagar paquetes de botellas de agua. Para conocer que puedes subir a bordo consulta la pòlitca de Carnival Cruise

Dicen que van a revisar botellas de otras cosas para buscar el alcohol que suben en contrabando (en botellas de shampoo, enjuage bucal etc)

Nos vemos a bordo!

TEXTO ORIGINAL del mail enviado el 23 de Septiembre 2015
Asunto: Important Info NKOTB Cruise 2015

Important Information:

Your Booking Number: 
Cabin Number: 
Hey Cruisers!
Is everyone ready to leave the Real World behind and cruise for 4 nights with the NKOTB onboard the Carnival Victory?!

Before the nonstop fun can start we need to take care of some business. All guests sailing on Carnival are required to complete an online check in no later than 11:59 pm Oct 7th, the night prior to sailing. Once the quick and easy 4 Step Online Check In process is complete you can proceed to print your Boarding Pass and Luggage Tags and book shore excursions and spa appointments.
To begin the Online Check In process click the following link- Carnival Online Check In
Select Login, Register or Access Your Booking Now and provide the following information:
  • Your Booking Number: 7V0HV8
  • Guest Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Ship Name: Carnival Victory
  • Sail Date: 10/08/15
Step 1 - Provide Guest Information: You will be required to provide personal information such as address, an emergency contact, and your travel documentation information
Step 2 - Onboard Expenses: You will open your onboard expense account by providing credit card information or you can select to provide cash upon embarkation.
Step 3 - Cruise Ticket Contract: You will need to accept Carnival Cruise Ticket Contract (Please note you will not be able to complete the online check in without accepting these terms)
Step 4 - Check In Summary: You will receive a message you have completed the Online Check In and can now proceed to print your boarding pass and luggage tags.
If you are having technical issues while checking in please call Carnival at 1-866-236-6670 for assistance. If any of the pre- populated information in your online check in is incorrect (example: date of birth) please contact Rose Tours at 1-888-491-7673
Please have proper travel documentation (valid Passport or State Issued Birth Certificate and government issued photo ID) with your Boarding pass with you for check-in at the pier.  We suggest you put any necessary medication in your carryon bag since any checked luggage will not be delivered to your stateroom until later in the day.


AUTOGRAPHS: No autographs will be given at the photo sessions. You are more than welcome to ask NKOTB for their autographs when you see them around the ship, however please respect their privacy if they request it.
PHOTO SESSIONS: We will have groups of 10 passengers for each picture with NKOTB. This way we will be able to see everyone, no one will be left without a photo. Please respect this group policy. These sessions will be in the Adriatic Aft Lounge on Promenade Deck 5. Please arrive at the Photo Session with your group of 10 passengers! NO CAMERAS, MOBILE PHONES, GIFTS OR BAGS WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE PHOTO SESSION. If you do not have a group of 10, please go into the Disco to make up your group. Once you have your group of 10, please get in line. If you do not get a group of 10 you will be added to random passengers in order to get your photo. The photo session will end when the line ends. A link will be sent about 2 weeks after the cruise for you to download your photo.
PERSONAL CAMERAS / VIDEO CAMERAS: Please feel free to bring your personal camera to all events except for the official photo sessions. If personal cameras are brought to the photo sessions, you will have to return it to your cabin. Video cameras allowed only for personal events. They are not allowed at official NKOTB cruise events. NO PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS ALLOWED AT ANY TIME. (SLR, DSLR, HD VIDEO, ETC)
WRISTBANDS: You will receive your wristband at check-in. There are 6 wristband colors. These colors represent the zones in the Caribbean Lounge. Your wristband will have your exact seat assignment and either an A or B, which will denote your dining and event time. Wristband color and seat assignment number was determined by time of booking. Please note that these wristbands are required for all events. DO NOT REMOVE these wristbands until the end of the cruise. This cruise is sold out. There will be no seating changes.
PERSONAL GIFTS TO NKOTB: Gifts will NOT be permitted at any NKOTB scheduled events. Gifts can be left at the Rose Tours hospitality desk located Midship on Promenade deck 5 across from the Coffee Bar. Please consult your itinerary for Hospitality Hours. Your gifts will be delivered to NKOTB.
SEATING: All seating in the Caribbean Lounge will be reserved. Your wristband determines which zone you are in and your Seat Number. Please look at the seating charts provided at check in to see where you will be seated. Please respect the seating policy and do not switch seats during the events. Please be respectful of others when entering the Caribbean Lounge.
CONCERT: NKOTB Concerts will be reserved seating in the Caribbean Lounge. Each group gets ONE concert. NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE OTHER GROUPS CONCERT. Please respect your fellow guests during the concert. VIDEO IS NOT PERMITTED DURING THE CONCERT!
DRESS: Dress during the day is casual (shorts, shirts, skirts, jeans, etc.) Theme nights are as follows:
Thursday, October 8th
How could we not kick off the first of four Lido Block Parties with a night that celebrates the decade that started it all for NKOTB.. the 80’s!! Bring the big hair, puffed sleeve dresses, crazy colors, accessories and props that symbolize your love for everyone’s favorite era.  Don’t forget your blue eyeshadow - It’s going to be totally bitchin’
Friday, October 9th 

After the first full day at sea, we’re bringing back a classic theme that we love.  By popular demand, WHITE NIGHT. Let’s have a fun night before landing in Grand Turk for the beach party on Saturday! 

Saturday, October 10th 

If you're anything like us, you worship your tv shows and have your nights planned out based on what's new on TV. Let your costume show off your favorite show. Maybe it’s Piper from Orange is the New Black or maybe a cozy Game of Thrones outfit is more your speed.  We can’t wait to see what crazy outfits you come up with. It’s Halloween a bit early!

Sunday, October 11th 

Our tradition of showing your colors, your flags and the pride of your hometowns and homelands continues on! We’re always repping Boston to the fullest extent possible. Here’s your chance to show us the love for where you call home!


Guests with Early Dining are in Group A ( Atlantic Dining Room or Pacific Dining Room) 

Guests with Late Dining are in Group B (Atlantic Dining Room or Pacific Dining Room)
  • You will receive dining room assignment at check in. Seating in the dining rooms is open.
  • Beach & Swim Wear, Tank Tops, Tennis Shoes, Flip-Flops are Not Allowed in the Dining Room.
  • Please arrive at your assigned dining room with your party, the Maitre D’ will seat you.
  • Other options include 24 hour Room Service, Buffet on Lido Deck or the 24 hour Pizzeria.
Party on Grand Turk
The NKOTB pool party will start at 12PM at the Margaritaville in Grand Turk. The Margaritaville is a short walk from the ship (NO TENDERS!!!). When you leave the ship, head right through the main building and turn left. There will be Rose Tours employees to help guide you to the party. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at Margaritaville. Please bring cash or a credit card as you cannot use your Sail and Sign card.
Relax in the shade and comfort of your own private, air-conditioned poolside cabana at Grand Turk's Cruise Center.

On this excursion you will:
  • Stroll a short distance from your ship to Grand Turk’s Cruise Center (adjacent to Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Restaurant and Bar).
  • Take in the beautiful view of the magnificent swimming pool, as you relax in comfort in your cabana, complete with an outdoor shower and private deck with sun loungers and private waiter service.

    Note:  The cabana can accommodate up to four guests.  The cabana rental rate is per cabana.  Only one guest need purchase the reservation for the group (maximum 4 guests). Guests must be able to climb three steps to access cabanas.
The cabana rental is $300
Since there are only a limited number of cabanas available, we have decided to randomly select passengers for the rentals. If you are selected, you will be contacted via email.

Please submit your Cabana Request below no later than Friday, Oct 2nd.
The Cabana rental fees will be collected at Rose Tours Hospitality desk located in the Cruise terminal prior to boarding the ship paid in cash only.
Donnie Wahlberg - Jacquelyn Hutchinson Annual Poker Tournament
Donnie Wahlberg will be having a Poker Tournament on Sunday, October 11th. It will start at 10AM in the Casino(Promenade deck 5,mid ship).
The final table with Donnie will be at 8:00pm. There will be a cash prize for the winner.
Please submit your information below by Friday, Oct 2nd. Each guest interested in playing must submit their own request.
90 Players will be randomly selected to participate. 
45 from early dining and 45 from late dining.
Players selected will pay $30 entrance fee at the casino day of the tournament.
Only one entry per person.
Winners will be notified via email. A complete list will be posted in the Casino and at the Rose Tours
Hospitality desk

Carnival to Ban Carry-On Bottled Beverages

In an effort to stop liquor smuggling, Carnival Cruise Line is prohibiting its passengers from bringing bottled beverages onboard effective July 9.
Carnival says it’s implementing the bottled beverage ban for two main reasons. First, it slows down the boarding process due to security checks for contraband booze. Second, it can lead to behavioral problems caused by overconsumption.
"Bottled beverages are the most common means by which guests attempt to smuggle alcohol on board, which necessitates that bottles be individually examined by security personnel," Carnival said. "This bogs down the embarkation process and requires security resources dedicated to checking bottled beverages. Most importantly, when behavioral issues occur on board and are ultimately investigated, smuggled alcohol often appears to be a factor."
Cruise passengers who want to drink booze without paying shipboard prices get very creative in their smuggling efforts, sometimes going so far as to fill mouthwash bottles with liquor and tinting it with food coloring so it looks like the original product. Or, they’ll carefully remove some bottles of water from a package, fill them with booze, and replace them so the bottles and packaging look unopened.
Such smuggling has spawned a cottage industry of flasks, plastic bladders and even fake beer bellies that store booze and are said to be undetectable by security devices. Google the topic and you’ll find a plethora of advice columns and YouTube videos.
However, cruise lines – and it affects virtually all of them – have caught on and now inspect bottles to confiscate the booze. Carnival will continue to check mouthwash and other personal/grooming products in bottles as well as other apparatus designed to smuggle alcohol.
Yet Carnival said it realizes many guests carry aboard bottled water or cans of soda, and will allow small quantities. The line also is greatly reducing the cost of buying bottled water onboard.
"We will continue to allow up to 12 unopened cans or cartons of water, sodas and non- alcoholic beverages per person to be brought on board during embarkation," the line said. "Guests can now purchase a 12-pack of bottled water from Carnival at a price of $2.99 plus tax online prior to their cruise or $4.99 plus gratuities once on board. We sincerely apologize for any disappointment these changes may cause. However, we firmly believe these changes will ultimately benefit all guests."
Passengers age 21 and older can, however, bring aboard one 750-milliliter bottle of unopened wine or champagne in carry-on baggage on embarkation day. If they choose to consume it in a restaurant or bar, they will be charged a $15 corkage fee.
All liquor, beer, other forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages outside of these exceptions are prohibited in both carry-on and checked luggage and will be confiscated and discarded with no compensation provided. All alcohol purchased in ports of call or onboard shops will be returned on the morning of debarkation.
Guests also are prohibited from bringing large coolers onboard since it’s an impediment to the boarding and security process, Carnival said. They can bring onboard personal-sized coolers, no larger than 12-by-12-by-12 inches to store small quantities of non-alcoholic beverages and/or medications.
Carnival emphasized that this bottled beverage ban is not a ploy to increase onboard revenues, as some will undoubtedly accuse. "In fact, we do not anticipate any increase in revenue as a result of this policy change, particularly given the significant reduction in price we have instituted for 12-packs of bottled water," the line said.
Carnival is notifying booked guests and travel agents today.
"Bottled beverages are the most common source of attempted transport of alcohol on board," Carnival said. "Often times, we find guests transporting alcohol onboard through unauthorized means, resulting in unmonitored consumption of alcohol. Unfortunately, this has led to behavioral and safety related concerns."

See you on board! 

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